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It all starts with research

And I love the research.

Writing in different formats is similar to operating automobiles with manual transmissions.

It is simply driving—or in this case, writing—but each vehicle has subtle differences, and when you know their quirks, it allows you to operate at maximum efficiency.


So, think of me as your personal chauffeur. I have the skill set and a map. What I need is a destination, and that is why my research starts with you.

A business owner with a new product?

You don’t try to sell form-fitting bras to professional hockey players.

A Hollywood executive with a movie to commission?

You don’t market gangster movies to the Hallmark Channel.

You don’t say projected, multiple X/Y sensor array with a fine degree interpolation interface when it’s easier to say: Touchscreen.

An engineer needing to explain complexities to non-experts?

Who are you?

Who are you trying to reach?

Are you...

No one knows you, your products, or your audience, better than you do.

 That is why I designed a questionnaire to gather answers to these important questions, so I can get you to your destination as quickly as possible.

Because advertisements are written for your customers, not your salesmen.


Scripts aren't written for the public. They’re written for cast and crew.


And programmers don’t need user manuals, users do.

Once I know who you are, the audience you’re trying to reach, and how you want to reach them, I can determine which format to use.

I’ll put my journalism skills to work, gathering information from other sources, such as interviewing experts.  


And I’m pretty good at it.


Then it’s off to the databases and libraries. Fortunately, I’m young enough to navigate multiple layers of the World Wide Web, but old enough to know how to use a card catalog, the Dewy Decimal System, and microfiche.  

After that, the real research begins.

... And there will be lots of coffee.

We'll go back and forth, and I'll make the necessary revisions until you are satisfied with the finished product. 

And re-write

Take a look at some samples of my work.

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